Men’s Health Week concluded last week after an abundance of campaigns and events from ULSL to highlight the issues in health that predominantly affect men.
The week kicked off with former soccer player and men’s mental health advocate, Richie Sadlier, who delivered a talk to UL students on the toxic effects of masculinity.
In his recent interview with An Focal, Sadlier said: “It is OK for a girl to cry but God forbid a boy cries. Lads cry all the time. It requires a culture change to allow men to be honest about how they are feeling.”
Other initiatives put in place for Men’s Health Week included a testicular cancer awareness campaign, promotion of mindfulness and an education on steroids.
The Dromroe Village hall also hosted two sessions in yoga and mindfulness for men to encourage students to take a step back from the stress of assignments.
The #SLASH campaign shone light on the dangers of steroids while also educating students on the necessary precautions to take when using.
ULSL Welfare Officer Lorcan O’Donnell said, “men tend to keep their health issues to themselves.”
“It’s important to encourage everyone to not be afraid to admitting you may have a problem and reaching out for help.”
Men’s Health Week is just one of numerous events ULSL have hosted this semester, including Sexual Health and Guidance Week, Mental Health Week and Trans Awareness Week.
UL Student Life are currently planning a Women’s Health Week for next semester, along with events surrounding drug use and drug education on campus.