Meet your UL Transforms leaders!
The students and staff of the University of Limerick are embarking on a fitness adventure. With four members of staff and four student members leading the way, UL is hoping to demonstrate that it is possible to work and study while maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
So who are the courageous leaders involved?
Paula Cooney
By Niamh Delmer.
“When I got the email [about UL Transforms] I was actually in line for a KFC.”
Paula, a fourth year Product Design, and Technology student, has entered UL Transforms with the aim to lose some weight, improve her diet and nutrition as well as her general health and wellbeing.
A lot of coursework means Paula doesn’t arrive home until late after her family has had their dinner and when she is too tired to make her own. This has resulted in Paula picking up bad habits like snacking instead of eating proper meals.
For Paula, the next seven weeks isn’t about losing a huge amount of weight but moreover, tackling her bad habits; “If I get the habits down I’ll be way happier.”
Paula explains that she is “looking forward to being a better version of myself” which she believes she can achieve through the programme.
Paula’s three main aims for the next seven weeks are to lose weight, improve diet/nutrition and improve general health and wellbeing.