By Sandra O’Malley
Never rowed before? Give it a go, you won’t regret it!
Down at the boathouse we have just started our beginners ‘learn to row’ programme. This is a 10 week course that teaches boat handling skills, rowing technique and how to use a rowing machine properly.
Training is twice a week on Monday or Wednesday and Thursday, 6-8pm. If you are interested in joining, it is not too late, just email and let us know – We will sort the rest from there.
Our boathouse is on campus so you can row right on your doorstep. We have fantastic training facilities which include an indoor rowing tank, plenty of rowing machines, weights and bikes. There are changing facilities with secure lockers too for members’ use.
Rowing is great physical exercise for a total body workout but it can also be a demanding mental workout – a great way to forget about labs and lectures for a couple of hours. Teamwork is number one so you are guaranteed to meet a great bunch of like-minded people to haul each other down the river and to head out with after training.
ULRC coxswains needed
Coxswain: ‘member of a crew who steers the boat, motivates the rowers, and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers’.
Coxswain characteristics:
– Usually stands around 5 ft 2 in.
– Has a voice that can be heard for miles.
– Is seen toting around water bottles, shoes, socks, and the ever popular cox box.
– Has a mysterious tan line in the middle of his or her forehead from the strap attached to the microphone on the cox box.
– Upon winning a race, the coxswain is thrown into the (often very dirty) water.
– He or she is in charge of directing practices, calling races, and making certain that the €30,000 boat does not hit any other objects such as a bridge, floating log, another boat, or a dock – respect the cox!
Great coxswains are part strategist, part coach and part cheerleader. If this sounds like you and you fancy steering eight people down a river at full speed, now is your chance! Again, email if you are interested.