by Chloe O’Keeffe
Following an email that came into student email accounts this morning from Vice President, Professor Nigel Healy it has been announced that the University of Limerick will continue with the current academic delivery model for the remainder of the academic year 2020/2021.
This means that the majority of courses will remain online. On- campus activity and essential on- campus learning activities, including research, lab- based and practical will be minimised where possible.
This decision has been made by the Covid-19 Academic Monitoring and Planning Group of UL, which includes faculty members, professional staff and UL Student Life and UL Postgraduate Student Union leaders.
In the letter, Professor Healy notes that should national public health guidelines ease later in the academic year, the restoration of face- to- face activities will be considered. Anyone that is studying wholly from home, and has chosen to study remotely will still be able to do so.
Improved supports are currently being organised for anyone that may be finding this time difficult.