The forever freezing month of January is just over and so is the appropriately titled ‘January Blues’. It’s natural to feel a little down this time of the year, with many people feeling as if this sense of melancholy won’t ever lift. Christmas time is exhausting with nights spent drinking and having the craic with family & friends. Also, the weather being a mixture of rain, rain, and more rain can make even the most optimistic of people feeling a little depressed. Even the very idea of your next holiday seems a lifetime away. However, fear not, we here at ‘An Focal’ are ready to give you some self-care tips to beat these ‘January Blues’. The beginning of the year can be a daunting and scary time. It’s packed to the brim full of possibilities for you. If you’re afraid of messing these opportunities up, don’t worry. If you aren’t making mistakes it means you aren’t trying hard enough.
So, with that being said, here are 7 self-care tips for you to be the baddest UL Wolf out there.
*apologies for the corny advice in advance *
The mere thought of putting on your workout gear, especially after the Christmas period can strike fear into any rational person. However, academic study after study has proven that the best way to improve your mood is to get up and get out.
Exercise, even if it’s a quick walk over the living bridge or a jog on the running track by Kilmurry village, will help to reduce stress, lift your mood and leave you with buckets of energy.
Take up a new hobby
Building on the earlier step, what not try out a new hobby. This is the perfect time of the year to explore new things and discover hidden talents that you have. Something new will challenge you but also give you moments of playfulness and joy. As we get older we forget to have fun, so now is the perfect time to reconnect with your inner child.
Try out for the Boxing society or maybe Outdoor Pursuits is your thing. Heck, even try your hand at becoming the next Ed Sheeran and learn to play the guitar. The possibilities are endless and there is plenty of things to try out if you don’t like something.
Visit friends & family
Loved seeing your friends & family at Christmas time? Then why don’t you try to do it again? It can be tough to see loved ones because everyone is getting back into routines but the people close to you want to hear from you. People often can have the tendency to isolate themselves when feeling low, therefore, it’s vital that you talk to those nearest and dearest to you when you’re feeling this way.
Your friends & family have seen you through the best/worst times, so it won’t be that easy to get rid of them. Who else can make you belly laugh the hardest or act the complete eejit than those who know you the best?
Also, RING YOUR MOTHER!!! She worries too much about you and has gossip on the neighbors.
Set yourself a little weekly/daily goal
Goals can be tough but they are vital in achieving what you want in life. Starting is often the first step. No one expects you to run a marathon the day of with no training done whatsoever. Things that matter take time. Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
Start off small, take little baby steps. Set yourself a little goal/aim to achieve by the end of the day. Gradually, build these up into week/ month goals etc. If you miss a few along the way it’s fine. You can only go forward by making mistakes.
Give back
One of the best feelings out there is knowing that you made someone’s day by something you did. By helping others can we only help ourselves. Very cringeworthy but it is true. Why do people help random strangers or volunteer? Because it feels good.
So, go out and get involved with a community project, local charity or just help out a mate. Helping others will put your own worries and concerns into perspective. It’ll also boost self-esteem and encourage a more positive outlook on life. Pass on the kindness.
Plan ahead
Often, after a long anxious month of prepping for Christmas, January can feel exhausting and anticlimactic. Therefore, this is the perfect opportunity to plan something to look forward to. Having something to look forward to can often raise you out of a slump.
So, book a holiday, plan a spa day, treat yourself to some retail therapy the next time payday rolls around. The very idea of being happy in the future will make you even more excited for whatever you have planned.
Accept things for what they are
Usually, the ‘January Blues’ are a result of all the glitz and glamour of Christmas time. For the most part, the ‘January Blues’ are part of a cycle. These moods will come and go just like any normal weather cycle. It’s vital to remember that it’s okay to feel a little low at times. – it’s part of being human.
So, fingers crossed some of these steps will help you beat the ‘January Blues’ and make you feel less anxious and more hopeful for the year ahead.