By Katrina Galvin
Dance UL is hitting off with a bang this year. Milford gymnasium hall was bursting at the seams with excitement with our first introduction to classes during week three. New teachers have taken the ropes for classes including Irish, hip hop and our very own unique zULmba. All levels of experience are welcome so you’ll never miss a chance to dance! Don’t hesitate to check out all the news about upcoming classes (including a handful of more variety of styles soon to come) on the Dance UL face book page.
The club has big plans this year for all our dancers and new comers including a variety of workshops which are soon to commence in the forthcoming weeks. Coming soon Limerick’s very own Tucker Purcell, a legendary world hip hop champion, will be a guest teacher at one of these workshops, so keep updated and don’t miss out! You can also stay updated with all the news and dance life behind the scenes by adding DanceUL on snapchat.
It doesn’t stop there. We also have some news regarding Ireland’s biggest annual dance competition. Even though the weekend for Dance intervarsities hosted in Trinity College Dublin doesn’t begin until next year, auditions will be starting soon for University of Limerick dance teams including contemporary, hip hop, jazz and Irish – Not forgetting the auditions for our mixed team which includes variety of many styles of dance so come along, everyone is welcome to try out. It has been years since Dance UL has competed in this particular category so we are determined to make our mark on the scene once again.
The club will be keeping you updated with all of our forthcoming news on all our social media sites and if you have any more questions contact us at Danceul@gmail.com.