By Ciara Corcoran
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a brilliant SHAG Week and have learned loads. Thanks to all 180 of you who turned out for the table quiz on Monday – I’ve never seen Scholars so full. And for those of you who did our sex survey during the week, the results will be out soon. If you didn’t get to do the SHAG Week survey and fancy doing it there’s some question papers at SU reception.
As week 7 rolls around I’m really excited for SoUL Week. We have amazing societies in UL and SoUL Week is a brilliant opportunity to showcase all they have to offer. Make sure to get involved in all the activities and gigs that are happening – you won’t regret it!
I’ve been really busy with financial aid applications, Charity Week nominations, SHAG Week, and general bits and pieces that pop up throughout the week. The Student Assistance Fund online application has opened so if you want to apply for it or want some more information email me or call in for a chat.
Colin and I have met with the head of Student Affairs and Head of Student counselling about both the medical centre and counselling services. Since that meeting funds have been secured for an additional 20 counselling sessions per week. #Winning! As for the medical centre, we’re working on it.
Week 8 is Mental Health Week so there will be lots of fun stuff happening around campus. The Welfare Team is doing great work helping organise this so if you have any suggestions, feedback or opinions on the campaign weeks that happen on campus we meet Wednesdays at 6pm in Teach Fáilte, everyone’s welcome.
You can also email me if you have anything you would like to raise. We’ll be preparing for Mental Health Week now and then it’s Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week in week 11. We love having new members so don’t be afraid to come along- it’s free.
Remember, be safe, look out for each other and have fun.
Ciara x