By Ciara Corcoran
Hi everyone!
I hope you’re all having a great semester so far and you’re all looking after yourselves. As it hits mid-term and deadlines are looming in the next few weeks we thought it was super important to make everyone aware of the importance of mental wellness.
Mental Health Week was filled with activities including mindfulness and positive thinking workshops, ‘tea and chats’, ‘colour and chill’, and a wellness walk every evening. Thank you to everyone who took part, I hope everyone had a great week and is now ready for whatever the rest of the semester brings.
Remember, it’s ok not to be ok and it’s absolutely ok to talk to someone. We have fantastic support services here including the counselling centre and Chaplaincy. You can contact the counselling centre on 061-202327 or call into the drop-in hours from 11-12 and 3-4pm every day in CM073. I’m also in the Union everyday if you need a listening ear or information about the various support services available to you.
As for the day-to-day stuff we’ve all been working really hard to improve the medical centre and counselling services. As many of you may know, the counselling centre now has 20 extra sessions a week which has really helped ease the pressure the staff are under and help provide the best service for all of you.
The medical centre has begun looking for a new director while in the mean time we have 11 sessions per week of general medical services. I can assure you we will continue to do our best to ensure that the services provided meet all students’ needs in the long term and interim.
The Student Assistance Fund applications are open until November 30th. You can apply on the UL Access Office website or send me an email on for application details. Childcare bursary applications have closed and processing is nearly complete. Applications for second semester will open again in January. Hardship loans are still available so if you’re in a bit of bother call into me for a chat or email me to arrange an appointment.