The University of Limerick is now holding Covid-Testing on campus due to an increased level of transmission in the Castletroy area.
The dominant UK Covid-19 variant has been cited as placing a high risk of transmission in the student community.
UL has paired with the HSE, An Garda Síochána and Public Health Mid-West to provide this protective measure for students.
“In the next few weeks, it is crucial community transmission is suppressed to ensure the safe reopening of society and to protect the population while the vaccination programme is implemented,” wrote Vice President Professor Nigel Healy in an email to students on Tuesday evening.
Students are invited to avail of this service regardless of displaying symptoms in an effort to curb the spike of cases in the area.
Tests will take place on campus in the Main Building (EG0 10) between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm this week on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (12th-14th February).
“We are urging all of you, whether living in Limerick or in your own home towns, to avoid household visits and social gatherings of any kind as a single episode of social contact can have far reaching consequences,” Professor Healey stated.
Registered students will receive appointment times by Public Health Mid-West and are advised to only attend at the time stated.
Registration is now open for students via the Student Covid-19 Request- Power App and will remain open until 12:00 noon on Saturday, 13th of February.