By Colin Clarke
What’s the craic lads? I hope you all enjoyed your first week back in college. Now that Freshers’ Week is over you can start focusing on getting involved. Many of you were at the recruitment drive, over 4000 of you actually and many of you will have signed up to a few clubs and societies. I remember signing up for 8 of them in my first year. If you’re sitting at home debating whether to watch another episode of impractical jokers or to go kayaking in the arena or football practice, pick the latter. It’s very easy to sit at home all day and do sweet fack all but you will end up regretting it. The social evenings and general craic that is had when you get involved is immense, trust me.
At the start of Week 2, we had our class reps training. We had over 100 class reps turn up and it was a very successful night. It was much improved from last year with record numbers and the fact that I didn’t get egged in the eye while waiting for the bus outside the stables probably was a major factor. In fairness though when I look back at it, it was an Eggcellent shot! So whoever you are, cracking shot again and you may want to look at joining the cricket or Ultimate Frisbee team.
We had some great events for Freshers’ Week and I know you will all be looking for another excuse to go out so here it is. On Thursday of Week 4, we have a brand new event “the wolves go to the dogs” at Limerick Greyhound Stadium. So lads get suited and booted and girls dress to impress. If you’re interested in naming a race for your class or naming it after something completely random we will be releasing more details soon but in the meantime call into me for more information.
On another note, look after yourself and talk to people if you’re feeling down. College can be an extremely lonely and difficult place if things are not going well. Keep an eye out for your friends as well and ask them if they are ok. Looking after your mental health is so important and if you are feeling down don’t drink too much as drink is the biggest depressant there is. There is help there so don’t be afraid to ask for it. Once you make that initial courageous decision to seek assistance, things will start to get better. Believe me I’ve been there myself.
Anyway, hope you’re all ready for an amazing semester.
Stay classy!