By Seán McKillen
Hi everyone,
I hope you are all settling in well to the autumn semester. The deadline for the Childcare Bursary applications is Friday 9th of October (Week 5). To apply, you just need to come into the PSU and collect a form from my office and I’ll go through the steps involved. It would probably be best to try and book an appointment with me first so that we can work out a time that suits all. The Hardship fund application forms are also available from my office, but there is no deadline for these applications. Just note that the Hardship fund cannot be used to pay academic fees.
The PSU is hosting its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 30th September. It will take place at 6pm in the PSU common room. All postgrads are encouraged to attend. Items on the agenda at present include: the election of a new PSU Council & Executive, the establishment of Faculty and general research forums, as well as changes/amendments to the PSU constitution. You can suggest changes to the constitution to me at any stage up until Friday 25th of September. If you want to send on any suggested changes, please use this address: I’ll keep everyone updated in the run up to it, and I’ll be making use of the social media accounts to publicise it. I would appreciate if you could spread the word as well.
The positions available include: V.P./Treasurer, Events and Publicity officer, Faculty representatives, Students’ Union representative, Clubs and Societies officer, Chairperson of PSU Council, PhD officer, International officer, and finally there are general Council positions available. You can find information about each of these positions at and I’ll be in touch to explain this further during the week.
This promises to be an exciting year in the PSU. My term will be spent helping to coordinate a national strategy of opposition to cuts to postgraduate funding, as well as highlighting the precarious and often exploitative conditions that postgraduate students work under. I hope you will consider joining the campaign to make the postgraduate community a stronger presence on the national political scene. If you are interested in any of the above, then feel free to pop in and see me in the PSU.