A number of suspected cases of mumps infection have presented and been diagnosed in the University’s Student Health Centre (SHC) in recent days.
The Public Health Department at the HSE and the Student Health Centre’s medical team has released information to address some of the questions and concerns which may arise from this recent increase in the number of cases presenting with mumps.
Mumps is a viral infection which in general terms presents with a swelling of one of the salivary glands or more in the neck.
If you have any of the following symptoms, present yourself to your GP or the UL Student Health Centre immediately:
• Swelling may be in front of the ear or beneath the jaw on either the left or right side or indeed on both sides.
• These swellings may be sore and tender to the touch and may cause difficulty swallowing.
• You may also complain of a mild fever and some constitutional symptoms such as aches, pains and headache.
• In the vast majority of cases, the condition is self-limiting and will resolve in a matter of a few days without any adverse effects or complications.
• In a small number of cases, complications can arise and the HSE and SHC doctors, therefore, advise that all students who suspect they may have contracted mumps to present themselves to the Student Health Centre to confirm that the diagnosis is correct as there can be confusion with other diagnoses.
• The student will be advised not to attend any lectures or public events in the college.
• The student can return to normal activities and normal studies after 7 days.
You can read the full statement here.
Contact the UL SHC here:
Tel: 061.202.534
Fax: 061.234.292