1. Why do you want to be ULSU Welfare Officer?
My primary motivation for wanting to be the UL SU Welfare Officer is as a result of my work with the current Welfare Officer in bringing a Samaritans Listener Service to UL. This along with my other roles as a Peer Mentor with the Mature Student Office and the current Mature Students Councillor on the Student Council has allowed me to see that I am both capable and motivated to walk in the role of UL SU welfare officer.
2. If elected, what would be your key aim for next year?
My key goal for next year would be to further develop the Samaritans Listener Service in UL through student training and to promote mental health awareness through campaigns, allowing students to see all the excellent services that are currently running in the University. Along with organising regular events to alleviate isolation and social exclusion, as these are key triggers linked to depression and poor mental health.
3. What qualities do you think are needed for the job and how have you shown these qualities in the past?
There are a number of qualities that will be needed from any candidate who may take up this role. Qualities such as compassion, understanding and ability to engage in active listening and many more. There is also a number of skills that will be required, such as project management and time management to name but a few. These are all skills and qualities that I’ve gained through my previous work as a self-employed carpenter, where I managed the crew of up to 14 tradesmen. Also, I have worked as a Samaritans listener for the last five years and I have also coached youth basketball for many years. This along with my more recent roles within the Mature Student Society, Student Council and the Peer Mentoring Program have all given me the knowledge and skills that I feel will be hugely beneficial to me if I am successfully elected.