By Roisin Howard
A gutsy group of athletes from various colleges in Ireland bonded again in Wexford over the recent bank holiday weekend for their annual rigorous winter training camp. It was great to see such a set up bringing all colleges together to train. Athletes from UL, UCC, WIT, DCU, CIT, ITC, AIT, and Maynooth were all present.
Well done to the UL coaches, Hayley & Drew Harrison along with Shane McCormack from WIT who took on the 41 athletes for the weekend. Great training camp once again.
The distance group will lead out the Athletics Intervarsity competitions. Best of luck to the distance group who will be competing in the Munster Road Relays on the 4th of November hosted by CIT. Both the Men’s and Women’s UL teams won this event last year.
The National Road Relays are less than 2 weeks later on the 14th November hosted by Maynooth – we had top 5 finishes for both teams last year and are hoping to get the gold this year.
Training for the sprinters is Monday and Thursday from 6.15pm at the track in UL. Distance training is also Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm at the pitches behind the track. We cater for all levels of fitness and speed and beginners are always welcome.