By Tomás Heneghan
The University of Limerick has set another precedent with the first Irish university Snapchat geofilter courtesy of UL Students’ Union (ULSU).
The project has been in the works for a number of months and is the brainchild of the Marketing and Communications Administrator at ULSU, Killian Stone.
Mr Stone said the whole process took about 2 months to get approved by snapchat and that he hopes it leads to another geofilter for the union’s Charity Week at the beginning of March.
He explained: “It’s part of an ongoing process to increase student engagement with the union.”
ULSU previously hit national press in December with its ProscrastiSnaps competition for students in the lead up to their end of semester exams.
The competition had students post their best procrastination methods on Snapchat for the chance to win one the union’s UL Wolves t-shirts, and was open for almost a month as students prepared for and sat their exams.
Limerick also currently has its own geofilter of the iconic Limerick landmark, King John’s Castle.
This comes just several months after ULSU became the first Irish university students’ union to introduce gender neutral toilets into its main building.