By Liz Gabbett
On Wednesday 20th October President Professor Don Barry officially raised UL’s Green Flag outside Plassey House in the presence of those who have worked tirelessly to promote and provide sustainable travel options, reduce energy consumption and champion the natural biodiversity found here on our beautiful campus.
In his speech, Dr. Michael John O’Mahony, Director of the An Taisce Environmental Education Unit, congratulated the UL Green-Campus Committee for their significant work in the three areas and gave particular mention to the UL Kayak Club who undertake an annual clean-up of the Shannon River flowing through UL.
Many staff and students have contributed to this international recognition and going forward we will all need to work together to keep the Green Flag. The Green Flag is a fantastic award but it is not an award for life, it can be taken away if we do not protect our wildlife and natural resources; choose sustainable energy efficient options traveling and working and reduce our waste.
To ensure and improve on the standard that is now established there will be constant review of UL’s environmental initiatives undertaken and their effectiveness. The Green Campus Committee is spearheaded by its Chairperson, Robert Reidy, Director of UL Buildings & Estates and Dr Chris Fogarty, UL Energy Manager. There are a lot of people to thank who made this award possible but special thanks is due to these two gentlemen.
The Green Campus Committee and Environmental Committee co-exist together to develop ideas and implement initiatives that all, staff and students can be part of. We are particularly looking for student involvement if anyone wishes to find out more please contact .
For more information, like UL Green Campus on Facebook and follow the blog at