Meet your UL Transforms leaders!
By Niamh Delmer
The students and staff of the University of Limerick are embarking on a fitness adventure. With four members of staff and four student members leading the way, UL is hoping to demonstrate that it is possible to work and study while maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
So who are the courageous leaders involved?
Clare Brennan
“There’s a lot of people in the same boat as me – I’m not overweight but I’m not exactly where I’d like to be”
For Clare Brennan, UL Transforms is very much about getting back to her previous fitness level.
Like many other students, including some other leaders, Clare’s fitness began to spiral downwards after she began college.
“I used to be very into sport but I lost that when I came to college,” Clare explains, “I’m not exercising as much as I’d like to, I’m not eating as healthy as I’d like to eat.”
After returning home from a year abroad on co-op as well as Erasmus, Clare found it very difficult to find her motivation to be active. She believes that not only is UL Transforms a brilliant opportunity to find this motivation again but also a great way to end her life in UL on a high note.