By Katrina Galvin
There’s never a boring moment with Dance UL. This semester has taken off with a whirlwind of events. Within the last few weeks a few of Dance UL’s talented dancers took part in performing in SoUL Week festivities and in Strokers for Rainbow Week, to name a few.
This goes to show the outlet of opportunities from simply attending Dance UL classes offers students. Not only will you be learning a variety of techniques from different genres of dance but you will get the opportunity to showcase your new learned skills whilst meeting new people and travelling to events. For example, getting the chance to travel nationally and meet other students from colleges all over Ireland.
Last week was a great success for Dance UL as we travelled up to the Helix for the All Ireland Dance Experiment to perform in the event ‘Dare to Dance’ hosted by Dublin City University. After three weeks rehearsing Dance UL was able to create a piece of dance mixed with many styles of dance. Choreographed by the accomplished Conor O Brien, he was able to interconnect the genres of Irish dance, hip hop, contemporary and jazz into one song.
Although it may seem a bit mind boggling as to how we achieved this within such a short amount of time, Conor’s eye for detail combined with the dedication and comradeship amongst our dancers turned turned it into a success. Even though we all have different strengths and weaknesses in different genres of dance the talented members of Dance UL who participated all became one on stage last Wednesday night in Dublin and brought down the house with the performance.
There is still more to come this semester including Dance UL’s annual showcase. The participants of Dance UL’s classes will be performing their new found skills and talents. If you have an interest in performing it is never too late to get involved. There will also be many other acts including singing and drama.
Don’t hesitate to attend our show either and see what all the Dance UL fuss is about – not a bad study break if you ask me, and at a low cost. It’s all for a good cause at the end of the day so mark your calendars for Week 12 and keep an eye out for the date on our Dance UL Facebook page. Also a picture represents a thousand words so make sure to add us on Snapchat as DanceUL for all the behind the scenes fun and news!