By Seán McKillen
Hi everyone,
Welcome to Week 7. I hope everyone has settled in and has found their feet in UL. I would just like to start by thanking all of those people who turned up and took part in the PSU AGM on September 30th. It was a great turn out on the night and it was fantastic to see people being open and enthusiastic about the type of Union they wish to see.
We elected a full Council and Executive committee on the night. The mix of personalities should make for an interesting and productive year in the PSU. Full details and biographies of all your new student representatives are available online at
The night kicked off with voting on proposed changes to the PSU Constitution. I am delighted to say that all of the changes were carried, and our revised constitution is available for all postgraduates to view online. If there is a will to continue changing the constitution, this is possible. As far as I am concerned, I am happy to listen to suggested changes throughout my time in the job.
I provided details of the PSU’s financial situation, as well as presenting a report on the activities of my predecessor, Seamus Noonan. I am happy to report that the PSU is in good financial health and is fit to meet the challenges that will be faced during the year.
Applications remain open for the Student Assistance Fund (SAF). The online application can be found at the UL Access Office website, along with details of eligibility and how to apply. The PSU Childcare bursary application deadline has now passed. It will reopen again next January, at the beginning of the next semester. Applications are still being accepted for the PSU Hardship Loans. If you want more information you can email me to arrange an appointment for a chat.
We can now begin the process of tackling the many issues that postgraduates face at third level. Some of the issues that will be covered by the PSU this year include: advocating for the precariously employed in UL, making sure that proper remuneration is granted to those postgraduates that teach, and promoting the creation of a national body representing all postgraduate students on the island. If you are interested in any of the above, do not hesitate to get in touch.
That’s it from me for the moment. If you have any queries feel free to contact me at
All the best,